Book 3 of the Katherine "Kitty" Kat Series
Author: Gini Koch
Publisher: HAW Books
Genre: Scifi, Romance
ISBN: 9780756406684
Release date: 4/5/11
More info at: Gini Koch
Received book from publisher to review.
Super-Being Exterminator Kitty Katt and the Alpha Centaurian she loves, Jeff Martini, should be finalizing their wedding plans. But that was before she discovers Jeff is in line to become Emperor back on his home world. Kitty knows she is everything a royal family wouldn't approve of, and is bracing herself for the worst. As it turns out, the royal family is just the beginning. Especially when extraterrestrial Amazonian terrorists are determined to start and end Kitty and Jeff's nuptial festivities with a bang.
Kitty and the gang are back in book 3 of the series and I welcomed them back with open arms! While keeping Earth safe from the attacks of superbeings, these two crazy kids need to plan a wedding. That's kind of hard to do when an advance warning comes from the CIA that aliens from Martini's home family may be coming for a visit. The gang doesn't know if this is going to be a friendly or hostile visit and must make preparations in the event something goes bad. The gang soon finds themselves in Las Vegas and where work becomes combined with wedding plans and family. Gini Koch does a great job of making it all work together and I can honestly say that I wouldn't expect this level of craziness and excitement from any other author! If you're a fan of this series you will see what I mean once you read this book.
Because there is so much excitement Kitty and Martini don't get a whole lot of alone time together. I would have to say this book is really centered on all of the characters. Their relationship has been building over the last 2 books and it was nice to see some of the secondary characters get the spotlight. My favorite secondary character is Reader and can I just say that he truly amazed me in this book. He truly was Kitty's rock in this book and when she really needed him he was there. Gini did a wonderful job showing just how understanding, supportive, and awesome Reader is. Christopher also showed strength at the times when he was needed the most and has such a touching scene with Jeff that it made me shed tears. The only secondary character I had a problem with was Chuckie. I love that he is intelligent, does his job well, and is a good friend to Kitty. But, there are times when I think Chuckie can be kinda creepy. I didn't like that he constantly told Kitty that he wanted her and the feeling of sexual attraction that he feels for her was at an all time high in this book and it made me think differently about him. There was too much of this and I found myself unhappy when Kitty and Chuckie were in the same room alone together. Even though this all took place in a joking type of manner, I just couldn't get into it. I know that he is still in love with Kitty and it must be hard to know that she will never love him the same way that she loves Martini. I just hope he moves on and the creepiness disappears in the future books. I won't be on Team Chuckie until this happens.
Back to Martini and Kitty. The only have eyes for each other and it really shows in this book. We are rewarded with so many tender and touching scenes that I could just feel their love flowing from the book. They take are of each other so well that it's second nature to them to want to make the other feel better. They take care of each other in other ways as well. Hello hot bathtub scene! Kitty I will say it again, you lucky woman you! They also made me laugh out loud in the way that only they can! Kitty is absolutely hilarious when it comes to her family and made me laugh the loudest when it came to dealing with the other aliens. Only in Vegas and only in Gini's books could these awesome things take place. But I gotta say this to Martini and Kitty. Martini, please stop carrying Kitty around like she is a kid. It's not sexy at all! Now carrying her into your arms into the bedroom is one thing, carrying her in front of you or on your hip is just downright weird. Doing it in front of her family, even weirder! Go back to being your usual sexy self.
I'm giving Alien In A Family a rating of:
I did have some issues with the book as you have read above and thought it was a tad too long. Because there were so many issues that popped up in the storyline, there was also a lot of dialog between the characters. I thought it was a bit much at times, but that is one of the great things with the characters of this series. They have great banter with each other and it's one of the things that make me love them even more. Like with Alien Tango, I experienced the entire emotional spectrum while reading this book. From tears, to anger, to laughing out loud like a demented hyenia, this is what I've come to expect from this wonderful series from Gini Koch and I have to say that she didn't disappoint me at all with this newest release. I can't wait to see what craziness the gang will have to deal with next!

I really tried to be on Team Chuckie, but I just didn't get why everyone in her family loved him so much. #TeamMartiniForver
ReplyDeleteI loathe Chuckie, but then again I'm on team Martini, so that's only natural ;-)
ReplyDeleteGreat review.
SIgh..I need to get going on this series!!
ReplyDeleteC - Yes I am so on #TeamMartiniForever as well! I know you already know this, I just thought I would write it again. LOL Yeah I'm just not seeing what is so special about Chuckie.
ReplyDeleteSullivan McPig - Thanks! :D
Mandi - I hope you do one day. I think you would enjoy it. :)
I have to say I didn't have the Chuckie issues. He redeemed himself in my eyes at the end. But yes in the middle he was a bit much even for me as a geek lover.
ReplyDeleteBut yes I'm #TeamMartiniForever too. =P
Great review. This series is fun.