Thank you for having me here today to talk about my recent release, LEAN ON ME. Specifically, I thought I'd talk about the cover.
I'm one of those readers who picks up a book or gives it a second look online because of the cover. Some folks say covers don't impact them at all. I am NOT one of those people. Back before the digital boom I'd often go to physical bookstores and roam the aisles and stalk those tables at B&N. Many books ended up coming home with me because the cover snagged my attention and I stopped and turned the book over to read more about it.
Clearly that's harder with digital books, but it's still possible. And bad covers still have the power to turn me off. I'm hoping that doesn't make me shallow, but there are covers that make me less likely to want to find out more. Basically, covers play a huge role in my impulse buys. If I'm about to pick up an auto-buy author's book, the cover doesn’t matter. If it's an author I've heard about or met or something like that, the cover plays a bigger role.
I'm going to tell you a little (not-so-secret) secret: authors like some of their covers better than others. I know I do. When it comes to the cover for LEAN ON ME, I love it. The book is light and sexy and the cover hits the tone just right. It's not erotic and not sweet, and I think you get that from the cover hero's hand on his lady's butt (really love that). The characters look close to what I envisioned in my head. And the pink shirt. What is it about the shirt? It pops.
And, I'm a little biased, but I think the book inside is pretty good, too :)

Book 2 in the Halloway series
Publisher: Carina Press
Release date: 10/22/12
Cassidy Clarke once climbed the world’s highest mountains, but after an unexpected illness ends her career she’s back in her hometown, broke and hoping for a little luck. But the townsfolk aren’t exactly putting out a welcome mat for the woman who once snubbed them in the media, despite her apologies now.
Mitch Anders knows someone has set up camp on the grounds of his plant nursery, and he’s surprised to find his sexy high school crush ducking questions about where she’s staying. Though he’s sworn to stop cleaning up other people’s messes, Mitch offers Cassidy a job and a place to stay—his place. Bedsharing optional, but definitely welcome.
Out of options and too attracted to Mitch to keep things platonic, Cassidy says yes to his offer. She wants to get back on her feet financially and start a new career. She never expects to suffer a different kind of fall, one that has her believing Mitch just might bring her something bigger and better than luck.
I have one digital copy of Lean On Me to give away to a lucky commenter! Please leave your email with comment. Giveaway ends 11/7/12 at 12 PM EST. Good luck!
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The covers DEFINITELY make a difference, even when buying digital! I certainly judge an unknown author by his/her covers. If the cover looks too DIY, I usually skip over it. Plus, I like to scan the Goodreads recommendations, and if a cover catches my attention, I'll click on it.
Thanks for a great post and congrats on the new release! That's me exactly! I'm a cover ho and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I recently read an interesting article about several major authors who decided to self pub an anthology together. They found out that not only do the digital covers have to be just as good as print, but they have to still be discernible and striking as thumbnails! Which is so true! I have often had a thumbnail version of a book catch my eye and I click on it to make it bigger and end up reading the blurb. I know that I'm missing out on a lot of good books b/c I'm judging it by it's cover, but I figure that's a marketing misstep that they made, not me :)
Covers catch my attention, yes I do judge, and then I explore further. I would love to read LEAN ON ME thank you.